Crop wild relative genetic reserves officially recognized in Europe for the first time (271,5 KB)
A genetic reserve network for four native wild celery species has been established in Germany. Five sites were officially designated on 4 June 2019
AEGIS Associate Members now have individual webpages
Each page provides general information, access to existing documents (operational genebank manual, peer review report), full list of AEGIS accessions …
Annual report (January - December 2018)
The annual progress report for the fifth and last year of Phase IX of ECPGR is now available online.
Genebank capacity building peer visits
The genebanks of CGN, COMAV and IHAR-PIB participated in the ‘peer review’ proof of concept, recommended as part of the AEGIS Quality System.
AEGIS/AQUAS - New Operational genebank manual from Spain
COMAV finalized their Operational genebank manual
Towards a European Evaluation Network (EVA) on vegetables
A Workshop was held 2-3 April 2019 in Durres, Albania
The final Activity report is now available online
Assessing current practices and procedures to strengthen AEGIS
The report of the AEGIS Workshop is now available online