On-farm inventory of minor grape varieties in the European Vitis Database (GrapeOnFarm)
The final Activity Report is now available online
The annual progress report for the fourth year of Phase IX of ECPGR is now available online.
New AEGIS accessions from Switzerland
Switzerland has flagged 772 accessions for the AEGIS European Collection. The total number of European Accessions is now 34 334....
Latest contributions to the European Collection
Since December 2017, several countries contributed to the AEGIS European Collection: Bosnia and Herzegovina (new country joining in February 2018 with…
Meeting of the BETANET Activity, 19-20 June 2018, Venice, Italy
This meeting offers the opportunity to different stakeholders to collaborate and exchange opinions regarding the conservation, evaluation and…
ITPGRFA - Fourth Call for Proposals under the Benefit-sharing Fund Opens
ITPGRFA - Fourth Call for Proposals under the Benefit-sharing Fund Opens
EURISCO Newsletter December 2017
The EURISCO Newsletter December 2017 has been released
GRIN-Global Workshop 2017 for European Genebanks
The Final Activity Report is now available online...
ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme Sixth Call
The Sixth Call has been launched. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2018.