Report of a Working Group on Vitis and Report of a Working Group on Beta and the World Beta Network
A new functionality has been added to the Web site: it is now possible to send a message to all the members of a specific group...
Report of the third meeting of the ECPGR Wheat Working Group
AEGIS Safety Duplication Policy
The AEGIS Safety Duplication Policy was approved by the ECPGR Steering Committee by the end of February 2013
Descriptors for tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) and wild relatives were published by Bioversity International.....
13th ECPGR Steering Committee meeting
The 13th meeting of the ECPGR Steering Committee took place on 4-7 December 2012 in Vienna, Austria
“Sustainable production of high-quality cherries for the European market”
Beta Short News December 2012 has been released, with progress on the Working Group on Beta and the World Beta Network
New issue of the SOL Newsletter (October 2012)
Of particular interest in this issue, a paper titled “Towards a better interaction between European Solanaceae germplasm holders and Solanaceae Omics…
Request for tenders proposing hosting arrangements for the ECPGR Secretariat/EURISCO.....