Descriptors for the European Vitis Database

Descriptors for the European Vitis Database available in seven languages...

Establishment of the European forage collection "To age with AEGIS"

A report from the ECPGR/AEGIS workshop, 30 January - 3 February 2012, Research Centre for Agrobiodiversity, Hungary

PGR Duplicate Finder now on-line

"PGR Duplicate Finder" is a software package to assist in the identification of putative duplicates in germplasm databases....

New version of FAO/Bioversity International Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors [MCPD V.2]

Release of a new version of the list of Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors [MCPD V.2] by FAO/Bioversity International

Upcoming Conference at VIR

“N.I. Vavilov’s ideas in the modern world”, 6-9 November 2012, VIR, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Belgium National Inventory uploaded onto EURISCO

For the first time the National inventory of Belgium has been uploaded onto EURISCO. 10181 new accession data from 9 holding institutes are now…

European Collections of Umbellifer Crops

Assessment of Unique Material in the European Collections of Umbellifer Crops

First accessions formally included in the European Collection

The Allium Working Group has recently notified a few countries about the Group's agreement on a first batch of garlic accessions to be proposed as…

New EURISCO website has been launched

The New EURISCO website has been launched at

Submission of “Plant Gene Access” project proposal

The ECPGR Secretariat has submitted on 23 November 2011 the proposal “Access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Europe” (in short…

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