as of 3 March 2014. Currently 34 countries are members of AEGIS.
ECPGR featuring in Pan European Networks: Science & Technology
The following article, written by Lorenzo Maggioni and Jan Engels, has been published in Pan European Network: Science & Technology, issue N. 10
Documentation and Information Workshop, Prague, 20-22 May 2014
Tailoring the Documentation of Plant Genetic Resources in Europe to the Needs of the User
The ECPGR Steering Committee agreed that the ECPGR Secretariat will continue to be hosted by Bioversity International at its headquarters in Maccarese…
The second meeting of the ECPGR Leafy Vegetables Working Group was held 8-9 October 2013 at Ljubljana, Slovenia.....
Latest report of the Grain Legumes Working Group
The report of the fifth meeting of the ECPGR Grain Legumes Working Group is on line.
The ECPGR Steering Committee has endorsed two important documents: "Revised procedure for selection of AEGIS collections" and "Guidelines for AEGIS…
Best wishes from the ECPGR Secretariat
The ECPGR Secretariat wishes you a happy 2014 and looks
forward to a strengthened collaboration for our new phase.
ECPGR Secretariat [more info]
Brassica WG activities concluded: 1)Identification of unknown accessions from European genebanks carried out at VIR, St Petersburg; 2) Glucosinolate…