ECPGR Mail Listserver

The ECPGR listserver is used to discuss topics related to Plant Genetic Resources, to ask questions and to announce and receive information about events such as meetings, databases, collecting missions and emergency actions, vacancies, etc.
To subscribe to the listserver:
Messages to the listserver can be sent to: In case you only want to post and receive messages via, no further action is needed.
In order to access the messages archive, please go to the list homepage at:
Please use the login button in the upper right corner. If you login to the new platform for the first time, please click on “First login?” in order to receive login credentials.
ECPGR Steering Listserver
The ECPGR Steering listserver is especially reserved for the National Coordinators, and a few associated members, for discussion on the management of ECPGR. All National Coordinators have been subscribed to this listserver and are be able to send messages to all the subscribers and receive messages from them. Messages to the Steering Committee colleagues can be sent to
In order to access the messages archive, please go to the list homepage at:
Please use the login button in the upper right corner. If you login to the new platform for the first time, please click on “First login?” in order to receive login credentials.
Listserver for Chairs of the Working Groups
The ECPGR Chairs listserver is especially reserved for the Chairs of the Working Groups. All Chairs have been subscribed to this listserver and are able to send messages to all the subscribers and receive messages from them. Messages can be sent to
In case you only want to post and receive messages via, no further action is needed.
In order to access the messages archive, please go to the list homepage at:
Please use the login button in the upper right corner. If you login to the new platform for the first time, please click on “First login?” in order to receive login credentials.