Long-term goal
Stakeholders in Europe collaboratively, rationally and effectively conserve ex situ and in situ plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), provide access and increase sustainable use.
Objectives for Phase XI (2024–2028)
In 2021, ECPGR published the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe, developed over three years in consultation with a wide range of experts and stakeholders in the context of the GenResBridge project.
During its 16th meeting in Sweden in June 2022, the ECPGR Steering Committee decided to match the objectives of Phase XI with the objectives of the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe, i.e.:
- Expanding in situ conservation of crop wild relatives and wild food plants
- Promoting the on-farm conservation and management of plant genetic resources
- Consolidating and sustaining ex situ conservation
- Strengthening a comprehensive information system for plant genetic resources
- Promoting sustainable use of plant genetic resources
- Developing a system to monitor European conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources
Priority actions to achieve these objectives are available in Annex 1 of the 17th Steering Committee Meeting Report (707,3 KB)