Avena seeds (Photo: L. Frese)

Andreas Katsiotis
andreas.katsiotis@cut.ac.cyConfirmed as Chair for Phase X in February 2019
View CV (135,5 KB)
Grant Scheme Activities
Phase X, Second Call (2019) | Updated MORPHological dEscriptors for Avena Species (UMORPHEAS) |
Working Group activities and related events
November 2019
The project on “Updated MORPHological dEscriptors for Avena Species (UMORPHEAS)”, submitted by the Avena Working Group for funding under the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme (Phase X, Second Call), was selected by the Executive Committee. [more info]
July 2016
Several members of the Avena WG attended the 10th International Oat Conference held 11-15 July 2016 in St. Petersburg , Russian Federation. They held a small satellite meeting on 13 July to discuss ECPGR matters. Minutes of the meeting. (109,4 KB)
March 2016
The Avena Working Group agreed on their crop-specific standards for orthodox seeds (see here)
Cereals related events: The AEGIS supported project ‘Improving the prerequisitesfor a European rye collection’ has been concluded. Based on a survey and a workshop that involved the main rye collection holders in Europe, the project produced a draft of rye germplasm conservation procedures, a draft descriptor list for cultivated rye and a provisional list of Secale candidate European Accessions [more info]
Working Group operative documents
- Working Group Chair’s report for Phase IX (prepared for the Fifteenth ECPGR Steering Committee Meeting) (see here)
Background information
The ECPGR Working Group on Avena was established in 1994 as one of the original six Working Groups developed during the first Phase of ECPGR.
Related Information
Other Working Group documents and publications