In memory of Trevor Williams (1938–2015)
IBPGR director and genetic conservation pioneer. Trevor was Executive Secretary of IBPGR and played an active role in creating ECPGR.
Beta Working Group: Parthenope Ralli.
A complete table of the status of ECPGR Working Groups Chairs during Phase IX is available here
Objectives of ECPGR for Phase IX (2014-2018) v2, April 2015
Further to the endorsement by the Steering Committee of the component related to crop wild relatives in outcome 3, a new version is now available.
ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme - Second Call
the second call for proposals under the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme (Phase IX) has been launched.
ECPGR Concept for in situ conservation of CWR in Europe
The ECPGR Concept for in situ conservation of CWR in Europe has recently been endorsed by the ECPGR Steering Committee.
A few members of the Task Force that was appointed to develop a concept on “On-farm management and conservation of landraces” convened together with…
Potato Working Group: Anca Baciu, Romania
Allium Working Group: Helena Stavělíková, Czech Republic
ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme - Outcomes of the First Call
A total of 13 proposals were submitted as a result to the First Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme. The evaluation was carried out by the ECPGR…
Sixth meeting of the ECPGR Executive Committee (ExCo)
Summary of the main points of discussion and decisions