Descriptors for medicinal and aromatic plants
The Working Group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants has developed characterization/evaluation descriptor lists for their "priority species/genera"....
The project for “Conservation and characterization of oregano (Oreganum vulgare L.) wild populations in Europe” was completed by the ECPGR Working…
The European Vitis Database improved
The European Vitis Database has been adapted to the EURISCO format and an online interactive uploading has been implemented...
Joint ECPGR - NENA PGRN Workshop on the implementation of the International Treaty on PGRFA
ECPGR and the Near East and North Africa Plant Genetic Resources Network (NENA PGRN) are organizing the joint Workshop on the implementation of the…
Joint PGR Secure/ECPGR Workshop
Conservation strategies for European crop wild relative and landrace diversity, 7-9 September 2011, Palanga, Lithuania
The following reports are now on-line and can be downloaded:
Report of the tenth ECPGR Forages Working Group <link file:7601 _blank download file>[download]
Report of the second…
ECPGR Phase VIII (2009-2013) <link fileadmin misc ecpgr_annual_report_2010_final.pdf _self>annual report for 2010
previous reports
ECPGR Barley Working Group meeting
The seventh meeting of the ECPGR Barley Working Group took place on 10-12 May 2011 in Nicosia, Cyprus [more info]
Report of the Cereals Network meeting
The report of the second ECPGR Cereals Network Meeting, Foça, Turkey, 21-24 April 2008, is now on-line and can be downloaded [click here]
The new ECPGR Website was launched on 27 April 2011. Comments are welcome