Common ECPGR protocols and tools available for Characterization & Evaluation of Malus/Pyrus genetic resources

Activity Coordinator:  Marc Lateur

The  Pomefruit C&E Activity is sponsored by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany


The proposal "Common ECPGR protocols and tools available for Characterization & Evaluation of Malus/Pyrus genetic resources", submitted by the Malus/Pyrus Working Group for funding under the Fourth Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme was selected by the Executive Committee and awarded in December 2016.


May 2023
The final report of the Pomefruit C&E Activity is available online [here

January 2021
Partners of the Pomefruit C&E Activity published the following article: Genetic diversity of pear germplasm in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as revealed by SSR markers

March 2019
The duration of the Activity was extended by 6 months, till 30 September 2019. This will allow bringing to completion the tasks which have been delayed following the agreement to acquire new material from additional partners, and enable the analysis of the large amount of data that have been gathered, beyond the initial expectation.

May 2018
The progress report for 2017 is now available

April 2017
The Pomefruit C&E project meeting was held 26-27 April 2017 in Gembloux, Belgium. This expert meeting was organized to discuss and finalize documents as “ECPGR Methods and descriptor lists for the Characterization and Evaluation” for both apple and pear genetic resources. Fifteen experts from twelve countries attended the meeting. Both apple and pear descriptor lists were analysed, discussed and amended in order to fit with their practical uses. Much effort was devoted to properly define protocols and methods and also to try to adapt and to extend the list of reference cultivars that are really available in the European collections spread under widely different climatic conditions.
Results of the meeting:
-    18 and 12 descriptors have been modified and clarified for apple and pear respectively,
-    3 and 5 descriptors have been added for apple and pear respectively,
-    3 descriptors have been suppressed and put in annex for both apple and pear,
-    methods for both crops have been better explained and or adapted, and
-    a list of 9 most common cultivars has been defined to be used as reference, and specific reference cultivars have also been defined specifically adapted to the Nordic/Baltic region.

During the meeting, a common characterization and evaluation test has been planned for studying the applicability/reproducibility of assessments of selected priority traits applied on a limited set of common cultivars.

Related Information

ECPGR Malus/Pyrus Working Group