Working Group documents
- Central Crop Databases: status at the beginning of ECPGR Phase IX (986,3 KB)(results of a survey conducted among Database Managers - April 2014) - 151 pages
EURISCO documents
- van Hintum, T., Iriondo, J. 2022. Principles for the Inclusion of CWR Data in EURISCO. European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR), Rome, Italy.
- EURISCO and ECPGR. 2022. Descriptors for uploading in situ CWR passport data to EURISCO
- Descriptors for uploading passport data to EURISCO (Updated MCPD2 EURISCO descriptors) (2017) (364,0 KB)
- Uploading characterization and evaluation data to EURISCO - Approved by the ECPGR Steering Committee, August 2017 (Additional upload procedure for C&E data) (251,6 KB)
- Data exchange standard for uploading characterisation and evaluation data from National Inventories to EURISCO (August 2015) (438,1 KB)
- EURISCO DOI service (357,6 KB)
Publications of interest
- Weise S, Kreide S, Oppermann M, Knüpffer H. 2017. EURISCO - A central information system for European germplasm holdings (285,0 KB). Poster presented at the EUCARPIA Genetic Resources 2017 Conference “Crop diversification in a changing world – Mobilizing the green gold of plant genetic resources”, 8-11 May 2017, Montpellier, France.
- Pragna Kotni, Theo van Hintum, Lorenzo Maggioni, Markus Oppermann, Stephan Weise, EURISCO update 2023: the European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources, a pillar for documentation of genebank material, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 51, Issue D1, 6 January 2023, Pages D1465–D1469,
- Weise S, Oppermann M, Maggioni L, Hintum Th van. 2017. EURISCO: The European search catalogue for plant genetic resources. Nucleic Acids Research 45 (D1):D1003-D1008 DOI:
- Hintum Th van, Begemann F, Maggioni L. 2010. The European ex situ PGR Information landscape (644,0 KB) In: Information and communication Technologies for Biodiversity Conservation and Agriculture. Maurer L, Tochtermann K (eds). Shaker Verlag, - Aachen. pp 155 - 171.
- Hintum Th van, Knüpffer H. 2010. Current taxonomic composition of European genebank material documented in EURISCO. Plant Genetic Resources Characterization and Utilization 8(2):182-188. doi:10.1017/S1479262110000158
Descriptors and technical guidelines
The complete collection of IPGRI/Bioversity descriptors can be found here
The complete collection of IPGRI/Bioversity Technical Guidelines/Bulletins can be found here
Selected Descriptors
- Descriptors for Crop Wild Relatives conserved in situ (CWRI v.1) (FAO, 2021)
- Core descriptors for in situ conservation of crop wild relatives v.1 (Bioversity International, 2013)
- Developing crop descriptor lists: Guidelines for developers (Bioversity Technical Bulletin 13, 2007)
- FAO/Bioversity Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors V.2.1 [MCPD V.2.1] (December 2015)
- Descriptores de pasaporte para cultivos múltiples FAO/BIOVERSITY V.2.1 [MCPD V.2.1] (Diciembre 2015)
- Descripteurs de passeport multi-cultures FAO/Bioversity (V.2.1) (Décembre 2015)
- FAO/Bioversity International Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors V.2 [MCPD V.2] (June 2012)
- FAO/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (December 2001)
- ISO 3166-1 Code List
- Key access and utilization descriptors for crop genetic resources
- Descriptor lists and derived standards
- Descriptors for Traditional Knowledge