Capturing Brassica Wild Relatives Diversity in South Eastern Europe
Activity Coordinator: Smiljana Goreta Ban Email
The project "Capturing Brassica Wild Relatives Diversity in South Eastern Europe", re-submitted by the Brassica Working Group for funding under the Third Call of the Activity Grant Scheme for Phase X, was approved by the Executive Committee in February 2020 with specific recommendations.
- Activity proposal (381,3 KB)
- Letter of award (120,4 KB)
July 2024
A paper reporting on the EUBRASWILD collecting missions was published in July 2024 in Genetic Resources. The paper describes missions by national teams in Albania, Croatia and Italy (Ponza and Sicily), including highlights of newly discovered locations.
Maggioni, L., Ban, S. G., Jani, S., Jasprica, N., Treccarichi, S., Išić, N. and Branca, F. (2024) “Collecting Mediterranean wild species of the Brassica oleracea group (Brassica sect. Brassica)”, Genetic Resources, 5(10), pp. 1–16. doi: 10.46265/genresj.PCWY8016.
February 2024
The Eubraswild activity held its final meeting in Catania on 20 February 2024, hosted by the University of Catania, Italy. Partners from Albania, Croatia, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia presented the results of their exploration, collection and characterization of new accessions of Brassica wild relatives. New accessions have been included in EURISCO and will require multiplication before possible inclusion into the European Collection. Characterization was often affected by extreme weather conditions, which caused floods in Slovenia and severe drought in Serbia.
Presentations given at the meeting | Agenda (156,2 KB) | List of participants (619,5 KB)
September 2023
The EUBRASWILD Activity partners are preparing a paper on the collection of wild Brassica oleracea complex accessions, carried out in the frame of this Activity in Albania, Croatia and Italy, for submission to Genetic Resources.
April 2022
The interim Activity report for the 'Capturing Brassica Wild Relatives Diversity in South-Eastern Europe (EUBRASWILD)' project is available [here (1,0 MB)]
March 2021
The Second meeting of the ECPGR Activity EUBRASWILD, "Capturing Brassica Wild Relatives Diversity in South-Eastern Europe" was held virtually on 3 March 2021
- Meeting programme (669,3 KB)
Background documents:
- IBPGR descriptors for Brassica and Raphanus
- List of the proposed descriptors to be discussed at the meeting (34,2 KB)
- Two papers previously published by Ferdinando Branca on Brassica regeneration:
November 2020
The First meeting of the ECPGR Activity EUBRASWILD, "Capturing Brassica Wild Relatives Diversity in South Eastern Europe" was held virtually on 30 November 2020
- Meeting programme (678,6 KB)
- Final report (242,2 KB)
- Presentations given during the meeting