Collaborative action for updating the documenting about berry genetic resources in Europe (EUROPE.BERRIES)

Activity Coordinator: Monika Höfer  Email

The project "Collaborative action for updating the documenting about berry genetic resources in Europe (EUROPE.BERRIES)", submitted by the Berries Working Group for funding under the Fourth Call of the Activity Grant Scheme for Phase X, was approved by the Executive Committee in December 2020.


November 2023
The EUROPE.BERRIES Activity was presented by Monika Höfer, Julius Kühn-Institut, Germany, at the 3rd webinar on ECPGR Grant Scheme Activities. Click below to watch the recording of the webinar. The presentation is available [here (5,1 MB)].

May 2023
The Final Activity Report is available here

June 2022
The interim Activity report is available here

May 2022
The third video conference with all Activity partners took place on 4 May. The team focused on the collaborative action for updating the documenting about berry genetic resources in Europe. 

September 2021
The second video conference with all Activity partners took place on 28 September. The team looked at the status of the work with all the partners responsible for the different genera of berry fruit and discussed the further work.

April 2021
The first video conference with all Activity partners has taken place on 21 April. In particular, the timetable and the work on the verification of the inventories of the genetic resources of berries were discussed.

ECPGR Berries Working Group