83 ECPGR Wheat Working Group Members
- Albania
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Malta
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Türkiye
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
Country | Name | Organization | Contact Details | Expertise | Remarks |
Albania | Mr Ndoc Faslia | Agricultural University of Tirana Department of Plant Sciences and Technologies Koder-Kamez Tirana Albania |
Tel: (355) 683762303 faslia.ndoc@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist | |
Armenia | Ms Alvina Avagyan Observer |
Scientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops Ladoyan Str. 38, vil. Darakert 0808 Ararat marz Armenia |
Tel: (374) 93 707009 alvinaav@hotmail.com |
Austria | Ms Lisa Achathaler | AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Plant Genetic Resources Group Wieningerstraße 8 4020 Linz Austria |
Tel: +43 5 0555 41200 lisa.achathaler@ages.at |
Genebank Curator | |
Austria | Mr Heinrich Grausgruber | Universität für Bodenkultur Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung Konrad Lorenz Strasse 24 3430 Tulln an der Donau Austria |
Tel: (43) 1 47654 95711 heinrich.grausgruber@boku.ac.at |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Austria | Mr Phillip Judex | Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management Stubenring 12 1010 Vienna Austria |
Tel: (43) 171100 60 2955 phillip.judex@bml.gv.at |
Policy and law | |
Austria | Ms Sylvia Vogl | Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Dept for Plant Genetic Resources Wieningerstrasse 8 4020 Linz Austria |
Tel: (43) 664 966 83 76 sylvia.vogl@ages.at |
Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Azerbaijan | Mr Mehraj Abbasov Observer |
Genetic Resources Institute Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Azadliq ave 155 AZ1106 Baku Azerbaijan |
Tel: (994) 50 5327819 mehraj_genetic@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Other: biotechnologist | |
Belarus | Mr Stanislau Grib | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino, Minsk region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 177545574 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Plant breeder, Policy and law | |
Belarus | Mr Syargej Kulinkovich | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming 222160 Zhodino Belarus |
Tel: (375) 296137061 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Plant breeder | |
Belarus | Ms Nadzeya Lis | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino Belarus |
Tel: (375) 292306112 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Information/Documentation | |
Belarus | Ms Iryna Markevich | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino, Minsk Region Belarus |
Tel: (375) 299304411 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Genebank curator, Information/Documentation | |
Belarus | Ms Yuliya Sushevich | Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming Timiryazev str. 1 222160 Zhodino Belarus |
Tel: (375) 44 5726658 belgenbank@mail.ru |
Crop specialist | |
Belgium | Mr Guillaume Jacquemin Contact person |
Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques (CRA-W), Department of Life Sciences, Biodiversity and Plant & Forest Breeding Unit Bâtiment Emile Marchal, Rue de Liroux 4 5030 Gembloux Belgium |
Tel: (32) (0) 81 874619 g.jacquemin@cra.wallonie.be |
Scientist, Breeder, Genebank Curator | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ms Danijela Kondić Observer |
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture Univerzitetski grad, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A 78 000 Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Tel: (387) 51 330 953 danijela.kondic@agro.unibl.org |
Genebank Curator, , Crop specialist | observer |
Bulgaria | Ms Gergana Desheva | Institute for Plant Genetic Resources "K. Malkov" Sadovo Druzhba str. 2 4122 Sadovo Bulgaria |
Tel: (359) 32 629026 gergana_desheva@abv.bg |
Genebank curator, Crop specialist, Information/documentation | |
Croatia | Mr Luka Drenjančević | Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food Center for seed and seedlings Usorska 19,Brijest HR 31 000 Osijek Croatia |
Tel: +385 31 275 714 luka.drenjancevic@hapih.hr |
Genebank Curator - Crop specialist | |
Croatia | Ms Ana Lovrić | Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb Svetošimunska 25 10000 Zagreb Croatia |
Tel: (385) 1 2393941 alovric@agr.hr |
Crop specialist | |
Croatia | Mr Hrvoje Šarčević | Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb Svetošimunska 25 10000 Zagreb Croatia |
Tel: (385) 1 2393937 hsarcevic@agr.hr |
Genebank Curator | |
Croatia | Ms Sonja Vila | University J.J. Strossmayer - Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek Vladimira preloga 1 31000 Osijek Croatia |
Tel: (385) 31554893 sonja.vila@fazos.hr |
Genebank Curator | |
Cyprus | Mr Angelos Kyratzis | Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 22016 1516 Lefkosia Cyprus |
Tel: (357) 22 403131 akyratzis@ari.moa.gov.cy |
Genebank curator, Crop specialist | |
Cyprus | Mr Andreas Pallides | Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 22016 1516 Lefkosia Cyprus |
Tel: (357) 22403130 apallides@ari.moa.gov.cy |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Czech Republic | Ms Jiří Hermuth | Czech Agrifood Research Center (CARC), Gene Bank Drnovská 509 161 06 Praha Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 233022316 hermuth@carc.cz |
Crop specialist, Genebank Curator | |
Czech Republic | Ms Ludmila Papoušková | Czech Agrifood Research Center (CARC), Gene Bank Drnovská 507 161 06 Prague - Ruzyne Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 233022394 ludmila.papouskova@carc.cz |
Information/Documentation | responsible for GRIN and EWDB |
Czech Republic | Ms Marta Zavřelová | Zemědělský výzkumný ústav Kroměříž s.r.o. Agricultural Research Institute Kromeriz Ltd. Havlíčkova 2787/121 76701 Kroměříž Czech Republic |
Tel: (420) 573 317 174 zavrelova@vukrom.cz |
Crop specialist | |
Denmark | Mr Ahmed Jahoor | Nordic Seed Kornmarken 1 8464 Galten Denmark |
Tel: (45) 29134757 ahja@nordicseed.com |
Estonia | Ms Külli Annamaa Contact person |
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 53451468 kylli.annamaa@metk.agri.ee |
Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Estonia | Ms Anne Ingver | Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 7766908 anne.ingver@metk.agri.ee |
Crop specialist | |
Estonia | Ms Reine Koppel | Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK) J. Aamisepa 1 48309 Jõgeva Estonia |
Tel: (372) 7766906 reine.koppel@metk.agri.ee |
Plant breeder | |
France | Mr Clément Debiton Contact person |
Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) 5 chemin de Beaulieu 63000 Clermont-Ferrand France |
Tel: (33) (0) 443761587 clement.debiton@inrae.fr |
Genebank Curator | |
Georgia | Ms Mirian Chokheli | PGR Genebank Scientific Research Centre of Agriculture 6 Marshal Gelovani ave 0159 tblisi Georgia |
Tel: (995) 55 322910 mirian_chokheli@mail.ru |
Germany | Mr Andreas Börner Contact person |
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstr. 3 06466 Seeland Germany |
Tel: (49) 394825229 boerner@ipk-gatersleben.de |
Genebank curator | |
Germany | Mr Wolfgang Friedt | Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 35392 Gießen Germany |
Tel: (49) 6419937468 wolfgang.friedt@agrar.uni-giessen.de |
Plant breeder | |
Germany | Mr Albrecht Serfling Chair |
Julius Kuehn-Institute (JKI). Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants. Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance Erwin-Baur-Strasse 27 06484 Quedlinburg Germany |
Tel: (49) 03946/47-3621 albrecht.serfling@julius-kuehn.de |
Confirmed as Chair for Phase X in March 2020 with starting date June 2020 | |
Greece | Ms Penelope Bebeli | Agricultural University of Athens Iera Odos 75 118 55 Athens Votanikos Greece |
Tel: (30) 2105294626 bebeli@aua.gr |
Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Evangelos Korpetis | Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources 57001 Thermi - Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310 471544 (108) korpetis@ipgrb.gr |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Konstantinos Koutis | AEGILOPS Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture (NGO) Ano Lechonia 37300 Agria Volos Greece |
Tel: (30) 24280 94558 info@aegilops.gr |
Plant breeder | |
Greece | Mr Ioannis Mylonas Contact person |
Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DIMITRA (ELGO - DIMITRA) Institute of Plant Breeding & Genetic Resources P.O. Box 238 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki Greece |
Tel: (30) 2310471110 (int 0 301) ioanmylonas@yahoo.com |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder, Genebank Curator, Information/Documentation | |
Greece | Mr Roikos Thanopoulos-Christodoulidis | Agricultural University of Athens Iera Odos 75 118 55 Athens Votanikos Greece |
Tel: (30) 2105294926 ricosth@aua.gr |
Greece | Mr Ioannis Xynias | TEI WESTERN MACEDONIA - School of Agricultural Technology & Food Technology and Nutrition Terma Kontopoulou 53100 Florina Greece |
Tel: (30) 2385054612 ixynias@teiwm.gr |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Hungary | Mr Lajos Horváth | National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Külsömezö 15 H-2766 Tápiószele Hungary |
Tel: (36) 53 380070/071 horvath.lajos@nbgk.hu |
Genebank Curator | |
Hungary | Mr Lajos Horváth, Jr | National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Külsőmező 15 H-2799 Tápiószele Hungary |
Tel: (36) 53380070 ifj.horvath.lajos@nbgk.hu |
Information/Documentation | |
Ireland | Mr Seamus Kearney | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Crop Variety Evaluation and Certification c/o Teagasc, Ballyderown Farm Moorepark, Fermoy Co., Cork Ireland |
Tel: (353) 2527530 seamus.kearney@agriculture.gov.ie |
Crop specialist | |
Israel | Ms Hanan Sela Observer |
The Institute for Cereal Crops Improvement Tel Aviv University P.O.Box 39040 69978 Israel |
Tel: (972) 50 5727458 hans@post.tau.ac.il |
Crop specialist | |
Italy | Mr Manuel Pramsohler | Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg Versuchszentrum Laimburg Laimburg 6, Pfatten/Vadena 39040 Auer/Ora Germany |
Tel: (39) 0471 969 649 Manuel.Pramsohler@laimburg.it |
Genebank Curator | |
Italy | Ms Gabriella Sonnante | CNR - Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources - National Research Council (CNR) Via Amendola 165/A 70126 Bari Italy |
Tel: (39) 080 5583400 - 240 gabriella.sonnante@ibbr.cnr.it |
Crop Specialist, Other: Molecular genetics | |
Italy | Patrizia Vaccino | Council for Research in Agriculture and Economics, Research Centre for Cereals and Industrial Crops (CREA-CI) s.s. 11 per Torino km 2.5 13100 Vercelli Italy |
Tel: (39) 0371 211261 patrizia.vaccino@crea.gov.it |
Genebank Curator, Crop specialist | |
Latvia | Ms Agnese Gailite | Genetic Resource Centre, LSFRI Silava Rigas 111 LV 2169 Salaspils Latvia |
Tel: (371) 29359458 agnese.gailite@silava.lv |
Genebank curator | |
Latvia | Mr Dainis Ruņģis | Latvian State Forest Research Institute (LSFRI) Silava 111 Rigas St LV-2169 Salaspils Latvia |
Tel: (371) 28344201 dainis.rungis@silava.lv |
Genebank curator, other: DNA markers | |
Latvia | Ms Vija Strazdina | Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Stende Research Centre "Dizzemes", Dizstende 3258 Libagu parish, Talsu district Latvia |
Tel: (371) 26517665 vija.strazdina@arei.lv |
Crop specialist | |
Lithuania | Mr Vytautas Ruzgas | Cereal Breeding Department Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Instituto al.1, Akademija 58344 Kedainiai distr. Lithuania |
Tel: (370) 34737192 vytautas.ruzgas@lammc.lt |
Plant breeder | |
Malta | Mr Noel Azzopardi Observer |
Department of Agriculture Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment Ghammieri Marsa Malta |
Tel: (356) 25904113 noel.azzopardi@gov.mt |
Montenegro | Mr Zoran Jovović | University of Montenegro Biotechnical Faculty Mihaila Lalića 1 81000 Podgorica Montenegro |
Tel: (382) 20268438 zoran.jovovic.btf@gmail.com |
Genebank Curator | |
Netherlands | Mr Wouter Groenink | Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN); Wageningen University and Research Centre P.O. Box 16 Wageningen Netherlands |
Tel: (31) 6 28376789 wouter.groenink@wur.nl |
Genebank Curator | |
North Macedonia | Ms Emilija Simeonovska | Institute of Agriculture Bul Aleksandar Makedonski bb 1000 Skopje North Macedonia |
Tel: (389) 2 3230910 emilija_simeonovska@yahoo.com |
Norway | Mr Jon Arne Dieseth | Norsk Kornforedling AS Bjorke 2344 Ilseng Norway |
Tel: (47-62) 555504 jon.arne.dieseth@graminor.no |
Plant breeder | |
Poland | Ms Maja Boczkowska | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute - IHAR-PIB Radzikow 05 870 Blonie Poland |
Tel: (48) 22 733 46 50 m.boczkowska@ihar.edu.pl |
Genebank Curator | |
Poland | Mr Jerzy H. Czembor (interim) | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute - IHAR-PIB Radzikow Blonie 05 870 Radzikow Poland |
Tel: (48) 22 733 46 52 j.h.czembor@ihar.edu.pl |
Genebank Curator | |
Poland | Mr Przemyslaw Matysik | Hodowla Roslin Strzelce Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR ul. Głowna 20 99-307 Strzelce Poland |
Tel: (48) 24 356-69-00 strzelce@hr-strzelce.pl |
Crop specialist, Plant breeder | |
Portugal | Ms Ana Rita Costa Contact person |
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), Polo de Elvas Estrada de Gil VazApdo 6 7351-901 Elvas Portugal |
Tel: (351) 268637740 rita.costa@iniav.pt |
Plant breeder | |
Romania | Ms Camelia Golea | Suceava Genebank (Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava) Bd. 1, Mai, nr. 17 CP 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: + 40 745066848 camelia.golea@svgenebank.ro |
Crop Specialist | |
Romania | Ms Silvia Strãjeru | Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale Suceava Bulevardul 1 Mai nr. 17 720224 Suceava Romania |
Tel: (40) 230 521016 office@svgenebank.ro |
Genebank curator, Policy and law | |
Russian Federation | Ms Olga Mitrofanova Observer |
Dept. Cereal Genetics Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry 42 Bolshaya Morskaya Str., 190000 St. Petersburg Russia |
Tel: (7-812) 314 4848/ 571 7322 o.mitrofanova@vir.nw.ru |
Serbia | Ms Ankica Kondić Špika Contact person |
Institute of field and vegetables crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898224 ankica.spika@ifvcns.ns.ac.rs |
Other: Molecular markers, biotechnology | |
Serbia | Ms Sanja Mikić | Institute of field and vegetables crops Maksima Gorkog 30 21000 Novi Sad Serbia |
Tel: (381) 21 4898233 sanja.mikic@ifvcns.ns.ac.rs |
Genebank Curator | |
Slovakia | Mr Pavol Hauptvogel | National Agriculture and Food Centre – Research Institute of Plant Production Bratislavská cesta 122 921 68 Piešťany Slovakia |
Tel: (421) 33 7947272 pavol.hauptvogel@nppc.sk |
Genebank curator, Crop specialist, Policy and law | |
Slovakia | Ms Miroslava Hrdlicová | National Agriculture and Food Centre – Research Institute of Plant Production Bratislavská cesta 122, 92168 Piešťany Slovakia |
Tel: (421) 337947327 miroslava.hrdlicova@nppc.sk |
Crop specialists, other expertise | |
Slovakia | Mr Miroslav Svec | Comenius University Bratislava Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Genetics Mynská dolina, pavilon B-1 842 15 Bratislava 4 Slovakia |
Tel: (421) 2 60296235 misvec54@gmail.com |
Crop specialist | |
Slovenia | Mr Vladimir Meglič | Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Hacquetova ulica 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 1 2805180 vladimir.meglic@kis.si |
Genebank Curator | |
Slovenia | Mr Primož Titan | RGA Brodarska ulica 27 9000 Murska Sobota Slovenia |
Tel: (386) 51 312502 primoz.titan@rga.si |
Plant breeder | |
Spain | Ms Elena Benavente | Unidad de Genética y Mejora de plantas Departamento de Biotecnologia, E.T.S. Ingernieros Agronomos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 28040 Madrid |
e.benavente@upm.es | Crop specialist | |
Spain | Ms Lucia De la Rosa Fernandez | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Centro Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (CRF) Autovía N II, km 36, Apdo. 1045 28800 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid Spain |
Tel: (34) 91 5026670 lucia.delarosa@inia.csic.es |
Information/documentation | |
Spain | Ms Isaura Martín Martínez | Centro Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (CRF) Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Technología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Apdo. Correos 1045 28800 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid Spain |
Tel: (34) 915028862 martin@inia.csic.es |
Genebank curator | |
Spain | Ms Magdalena Ruíz Valcárcel | Centro Nacional de Recursos Fitogeneticos (CRF) Instituto nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Finca La Canaleja, A-2, km. 36 (Apartado 1045) 28800 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid Spain |
Tel: (34) 91 5026681 mruiz@inia.csic.es |
Crop specialist | |
Sweden | Ms Tina Henriksson | Lantmännen Lantbruk SE-268 81 Svalőv Sweden |
Tel: (46) 105560821 tina.henriksson@lantmannen.com |
Plant breeder | |
Sweden | Mr Kjell-Åke Lundblad | Nordic Genetic Resource Center PO Box 41 Alnarp Sweden |
Tel: (46) 40 53 66 47 kjellake.lundblad@nordgen.org |
Information/Doumentation | |
Sweden | Mr Jan Svensson | Nordic Genetic Resource Center PO Box 41 SE-230 53 Alnarp Sweden |
Tel: (46) 40536557 jan.svensson@nordgen.org |
Genebank curator | |
Switzerland | Mr Christian Eigenmann | Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 17 04 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
Switzerland | Ms Christina Kägi | Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 3003 Bern Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 58 465 60 87 genres@blw.admin.ch |
Information/Documentation, Policy and law | |
Switzerland | Ms Beate Schierscher Contact person |
Agroscope Research Department in Arable Crop Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources Route de Duillier 50CP 1012 1260 Nyon 1 Switzerland |
Tel: (41) 22 3634726 beate.schierscher-viret@agroscope.admin.ch |
Genebank curator, Information/documentation | |
Türkiye | Mr Riza Unsal | Aegean Agricultural Research Institute Canakkale Road No. 57P.O. Box 9 Menemen 35672 Izmir Türkiye |
Tel: (90) 232 8461331 riza.unsal@tarim.gov.tr |
Plant breeder | |
Ukraine | Mr Victor K. Ryabchun Observer |
Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya.Yuryev NAAS National Centre of Plant Genetic Resources Moskovsky prospekt 142 61060 Kharkiv Ukraine |
Tel: (380) 57 3921033 ncpgru@gmail.com |
United Kingdom | Mr Noam Chayut | John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park Norwich NR4 7UH United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) (0) 1603450630 Noam.Chayut@jic.ac.uk |
United Kingdom | Ms Lydia Smith | NIAB Huntingdon Road CB3 0LE Cambridge United Kingdom |
Tel: (44) (0) 1223 342242 lydia.smith@niab.com |
Crop specialist |