Genotyping-by-sequencing of the European garlic collection to develop a sustainable ex situ conservation strategy

Activity Coordinator: Manuela Nagel

The Garli-CCS Activity, submitted by the Allium, Cryopreservation, and Documentation & Information Working Groups for funding under the Sixth Call of the Phase X ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee and approved in December 2022. 


September 2024
The Garli-CCS-Cryopreservation workshop was held on 17-20 September 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. [Draft agenda (409,2 KB) | List of participants (206,1 KB)]
The workshop aims to transfer the knowledge acquired by the Crop Research Institute Prague, and IPK Gatesleben cryopreservation teams to other institutions dealing with Allium cryopreservation. Three different approaches to garlic cryopreservation will be introduced and trained: Cryopreservation of apical shoot tip from explants, apical shoot tip from bulbils, and of glove's basal plates. The course will introduce a technique that can be applied to the specific plant material coming from in vitro or field conditions. At the end of the training school, the participants will know the necessary to apply the technique in their respective cryobanks. Furthermore, the participants are expected to apply new knowledge and skills to cryopreserve samples in garlic collections in their home institutes and their experience, results and advances will be compared.

September 2023
The second virtual Garli-CCS meeting took place on 22 September 2023 with the aim to start thinking about selection criteria for duplicate identification of garlic accessions and progress on the genotyping of the IPK collection.

March 2023

The first virtual Garli-CCS meeting took place on 10 March 2023 to introduce all project partners, clarify the distribution of the project money, describe the sampling strategy and discuss the first steps.
The video of the meeting is available [here]

ECPGR Allium Working Group