The ECPGR Minor Forage Grasses Database


Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen)    
Box 41
230 53 Alnarp  
Tel: (46) 40 53 66 42 

Database manager: Anna Palmé 

The Central Crop Database for Minor Forage Grasses contains over 4600 accessions of grass species belonging to the genera Agropyron, Agrostis, Alopecurus, Arrhenatherum, Brachypodium, Bromus, Elymus, Elytrigia, Phalaris and Trisetum. However, the database is no longer being updated. Current data on European accessions of these species can be found in EURISCO.
A copy of the database from 2017 can be downloaded below.

Database access                   


Off-line - download  


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