Horticulture Department - University of Florence Database manager: Mr Edgardo Giordani The European Central Minor Fruit Trees Database is maintained by the Horticulture Department - University of Florence, Italy. It was developed in the frame of the GEN RES 29 EC Project on "Conservation, evaluation, exploitation and collection of minor fruit tree species" (1996-99) and it holds information on 1381 accessions of 16 underutilized fruit tree species (fig, pomegranate, Japanese persimmon, loquat, cactus pear, quince, European chestnut, pistachio, strawberry tree, cornelian cherry, medlar, jujube, azerole, sorb-service tree, mulberry tree and carob tree), both in situ and ex situ by 11 institutions of France, Greece, Italy and Spain. For more information about the database, please contact the database manager. |
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