Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX) Database manager: Francisco Antonio Galea Gragera The Annual Medicago database was established in 1985, following the first meeting of the ECPGR Forages Working Group, in Larissa, Greece in 1984. This database is maintained by Centro de Investigación Cientificas y Technologicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX), Instituto de investigaciones Agrarias Finca "La Orden-Valdesequera” (Badajoz, Spain), and contains passport data of 4767 accessions representing the Annual Medicago collection from 12 European contributors. The structure of the database follows the principle of the FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptor list. The database includes breeding/research material (252), advanced improved cultivars (34), natural and seminatural ecotypes (2646). Seed requests should be sent directly to the holding institutes. |
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