
EVA Pepper Network

Pepper was selected as a fruit vegetable of significant interest to establish an EVA network. The EVA Pepper network builds on partners’ experience from recent or ongoing Horizon2020 projects LIVESEEDS, BRESOV and G2PSOL as well as the active ECPGR Solanaceae Working Group. In 2024, a Grant Scheme activity of the Solanaceae WG, 'EuroPepLand', was granted, providing opportunity to extend the EVA Pepper network to additional genebanks who will work together on establishing a European Pepper landraces core collection, which will be genotyped and made available for multilocation evaluation by the EVA Pepper partners. 

Activities in the pepper network include field evaluations for agronomic traits in various geographic locations across Europe as well as tests for important diseases in controlled conditions. Pepper accessions will also be genotyped to provide data accessible to association studies.

An ECPGR Grant Scheme Activity 'EuroPepLand' was funded during the first call in Phase XI and will implement a trans-European pepper landrace collection for resilient agriculture, involving 16 members of the Solanaceae Working Group and three self-funded partners under the coordination of Working Group Chair Pasquale Tripodi. This activity provides an opportunity to extend the membership of the EVA Pepper network and enlarge the pepper diversity available for multilocation field trials within the network. The project will kick off with a joint meeting of EVA Pepper and EuroPepLand on 30-31 October 2024 in Almeria, Spain.

                                    Illustrations: Loredana Sigillo

Countries involved

Network Partners

 CompanyGenebankResearch instituteOthersCountryInstitute
1     Albania Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (Agricultural University of Tirana), Tirana
2       Armenia Scientific Center Vegetables and Industrial Crops, Daracert, Ararat marz
3       Belarus Институт генетики и цитологии Национальной Академии наук Беларуси, Minsk
4     Greece Hellenic Agricultural Organization - DEMETER, Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources (ELGO-Dimitra), Thessaloniki
5       Israel The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture
6       Italy Consorzio Sativa Societa Cooperativa Agricoloa, Cesena
7       Italy ISI Sementi SpA, Fidenza (PR)
8       Italy ESASEM Spa, Casaleone
9       Italy Tera Seeds srl cons, Gambettola, Forlì-Cesena
10       Italy La Semiorto Sementi, Lavorate di Sarno
11       Italy Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria, Pontecagnano
12       Italy Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse, Portici
13       Netherlands Wageningen University and Research. Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands, Wageningen
14       North Macedonia Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
15     Serbia Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka
16       Spain Semillas Fitó S.A., Barcelona


October 2024
A joint project meeting of the EVA Pepper network with the EuroPepLand grant scheme activity will be held from 30-31 October in Almeria, Spain. More information can be found [here]

October 2022
The first in-person project meeting of the EVA Pepper network was held from 26-28 October in Vico Equense, Napoli, Italy. More information can be found [here]

June 2021
The second annual meeting of the EVA Pepper network was held online on 14 June 2021. More information can be found here

June 2020
The first annual EVA Pepper project meeting, initially scheduled back-to-back with a meeting of the ECPGR Solanaceae Working Group in Pontecagnano, Italy, was held virtually on 9 June 2020. Twenty-two participants discussed the goals and workplans of the EVA Pepper network [more info]

Related Information

ECPGR Working Groups

Contact details

  • Sandra Goritschnig - EVA Coordinator   Email
The EVA project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food
and Agriculture for the period 2019-2027.